Monday, 20 September 2010

Formula For A Pitch

Stuck for ideas about how to present a great pitch at networking events? Try this formula – even if it’s not the perfect structure for you, it should give you a starting point to work from.

Step One
State the problem your business solves. For example ‘Are you paying too much for printing?’

Step Two
Explain very simply how you can solve that problem. Don’t be tempted to tell everyone all about your service or product – there’s no time. Pick the main primary benefit(s) or describe your USP in brief.

Step Three
Offer a free gift or compelling reason for potential customers to make a connection with you, ask for your business card or give you their email address. Test this out on your mastermind group or joint venture partners – is your freebie really exciting enough to get people to start a business relationship with you? If not, improve it!

Step Four
End with some kind of visual – even if it is a brochure you hold up. This will allow people to make a mental note to accept your offer. Remember that we all think in pictures – this is why a visual prompt is the best way to end your pitch.

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