Sunday, 13 November 2011

Laser Networking

What is laser networking? It means focusing your referral networking efforts (hence the laser analogy) to reap a greater ROI from this powerful form of marketing.

First of all you need to decide what you want to get out of your referral networking meetings. More customers? Joint venture partners? Referrals? Maybe you need to actually sell the very concept of your service (The vast majority of Dragon’s Den pitches are preoccupied with doing just that).

Secondly, define your ideal customer be as specific as you can. What is their name, company name? What are their needs? How do you fulfil these needs? What is their turnover? How often would they use your product or service?

Armed with these 2 pieces of information, you can now be clearer about who it is you want to be referred to from your referral networking meetings,  who do the other members of your group know. The more specific you are about this the better.

One important point about laser networking: don’t let it blind you to the hidden opportunities that exist within your group. For example, you get chatting to a caterer. He is a one-man band who deals mostly with customers who are not your target market. Don’t dismiss this contact. Who knows, maybe his wife works with the brother of someone who could be next year’s biggest client for you.

Finally the biggest challenge for most people is in the lack of follow-up so make sure you always follow up and keep the dialogue going, remember you can get instant coffee even instant tea at your group.........however instant success or results are usually not available so coordinate an effective follow-up strategy for your Laser Networking!

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